Binomial Theorem for Positive Integral Indices
* The number of terms in an expansion is one more than the power of the binomial.
* The coefficients of the first and the last terms of an expansion are both 1.
(x + y)n=nC0xn+ nc1xn – 1y + nC2xn – 2y2+…. + nCn – 1xyn – 1 + nCnyn
nC0, nC1, nC2, …nCn – 1, nCn are called binomial coefficients.
General and Middle Terms
In the expansion (x + y)n
* General term, Tr + 1 =nCrxn – ryr
* Middle term when n is even = ( \frac{n}{ 2} + 1)th term
* Middle term when n is odd =( \frac{n + 1}{ 2} )th and ( \frac{n + 1}{ 2} + 1 )th terms
Special Cases of Binomial Theorem
(a – b)n=nC0an–nc1an – 1 b + nC2an – 2 b2 + ….. nCn-1 a(-b)n-1 + (-1)n nCnbn
(1 + x)n = nC0 + nC1x + nC2x2+ …. nCn-1 xn-1 + nCnxn
(1 + y)n=nC0 –nC1 y + nC2y2–nC3 y3+ …. + (-1)n nCn(y)n
nC0 + nc1 + nC2 + …. nCn-1 + nCn = 2n
nC0 + nC2 + nC4 + …. = nC1 + nC3 + nC5….