Probability 15

Probability - Experiment Approach * A trial is an action which results in one or several outcomes. * An event for an experiment can be described as the collection of some outcomes of the experiment. * The empirical or experimental probability P(E) of an event E happening is given by: - P(E) = \frac{Number \thinspace ... Read more

Statistics 14

Collection and Representation of Data * A systematic record of facts or different values of a quantity is called data. * The data collected by a researcher with a specific purpose in mind is called primary data. * The data gathered from a source where is already exists is called secondary data. * The deference ... Read more

Heron’s Formula 12

Heron’s Formula * Heron’s formula is used to determine the area of a triangle, when the lengths of the three sides are known. * Heron’s formula to find the area of a triangle is \sqrt{s (s - a)( s - b)( s - c)} , Where,  a, b and c are the lengths of the ... Read more

Constructions 11

Basic Constructions Angle bisector: An angle bisector is ray, which divides an angle into two equal parts. Perpendicular bisector: A perpendicular bisector is a line, which divides a given line segment into two equal halves and is also perpendicular to the line segment.

Circles 10

Basic Concept of A Circle * The collection of all the points in a plane that are at equal distance from a given fixed point in the plane is called a circle. * A line segment joining the centre of a circle with any point on its circumference is called the radius of a circle. ... Read more

Areas of Parallelogram and Triangles 9

Areas of Parallelograms * Area of a parallelogram is equal to the product of its base and corresponding height. * The diagonal of a parallelogram bisect each other. * A diagonal of the parallelogram divides it into two congruent triangles. * Opposite sides and angles of a parallelogram are equal. * Two congruent figures have ... Read more

Quadrilateral 8

Quadrilaterals And Its Types Quadrilateral: A closed figure having four sides, four angles and four vertices. Parallelogram: A quadrilateral in which, opposite sides are parallel and equal, opposite angles are equal, the diagonals bisects each other, each diagonal divides parallelogram into two congruent triangles and adjacent angles are supplementary. Square:  A parallelogram in which, all ... Read more