Chapter 22. Chemical Coordination and Integration

Human Endocrine System * Endocrinology is a branch of medicine dealing with the study of the endocrine glands and the actions of their hormones. * The hypothalamus, pituitary, pineal, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, pancreas, adrenal and gonads are the endocrine glands in our body. * Endocrine glands are also called ductless glands due to the absence ... Read more

Chapter 21. Neural Control and Coordination

Neural System * Coordination between organ systems and the functions of the organs is crucial to maintain a physiological balance, called homeostasis. * The neural system and the endocrine system maintain homeostasis in our body. * Neurons are called the structural and functional units of the neural system. * The human neural system is divided ... Read more

Chapter 20. Locomotion and Movement

Locomotion and Movement * Movement is one of the most important characteristics of all living beings. * Movement resulting in a change of location is called locomotion. * There are three main types of movement-amoeboid, ciliary and muscular. * Amoeboid movement is the simplest form of movement and is due to protoplasmic streaming. * Ciliary ... Read more

Chapter 19. Excretory Products and their Elimination

Excretory Products and Excretory Structures * Carbon dioxide, ammonia, urea, uric acid, water and excess ions like phosphate, sulphate, sodium, potassium and chloride are some of the excretory products produced in our body. * The process of elimination of metabolic waste products from the animal body is called excretion. * Ammonia-excreting animals are called ammonotelic ... Read more

Chapter 18. Body Fluids and Circulation

Body Fluids * Blood liquid connective tissue that consists of 55% liquid plasma and 45% formed elements called blood cells. * Major proteins in plasma include albumins, globulins and fibrinogens. * Formed elements include erythrocytes, leucocytes and platelets. * Erythrocytes of Red Blood Cells (RBCs) are involved in the transport of respiratory gases. * Leucocytes ... Read more

Chapter 17. Breathing and Exchange of Gases

Respiratory Organs * The process of breathing accompanied by the breakdown of foods to produce energy is called respiration. * Among all animals, mammals have a well-developed respiratory system. * In humans beings, and generally in all mammals, the organs of respiration include the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs and diaphragm. * Based on ... Read more

Chapter 16. Digestion and Absorption

The Human Digestive System * The alimentary canal includes organs such as the mouth, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and anus. * The mouth, the anterior opening of the alimentary canal, leads to the buccal cavity or oral cavity, which contains the teeth and the tongue. * The tongue helps push the food ... Read more