Chapter 7. Challenges to Democracy

Challenges and Reforms to Democracy * There are three types of challenges faced by democratic countries foundation, challenge of expansion, and deepening of democracy. * Foundation challenges are meant for the non-democratic countries of the world. * Challenge of expansion id faced by most of the established democracies like India and the United States of ... Read more

Chapter 6. Outcomes of Democracy

How do we Access Democracy outcomes? Democracy is preferred over dictatorship because it:    * Promotes equality over dictatorship because it    * Enhances the dignity of the individual    *  Improves the quality of decision- making    *  Provides a method to resolve conflicts    *  Allow room to correct mistakes * Democracy is ... Read more

Chapters 5. Political Parties

Political Parties: An Introduction * Parties are necessary to represent the people of a country. * They help to conduct elections and aid in organized functioning of the legislature. * Political parties reflect political divisions in a society and so they involve partisanship. * A political party has three components: The leaders, the active members ... Read more

Chapter 4. Popular Struggles and Movements

Popular Struggles and Movements * Differences in a democracy need to be expressed in an organized way. * In April 2006, Nepal witnessed a popular movement which was aimed at regaining popular control over the government from the king. * Bolivia witnessed a people’s struggles against the privatization of water in Bolivia. * Mass scale ... Read more

Chapter 3. Gender Religion and Caste

Gender Division and Politics * Gender is an important factor that causes social differences and inequalities. * The work done by women is not valued and does not get the recognition it deserves. * The literacy rate among women in India is only 54 percent as against 76 percent among men. * An important indication ... Read more

Chapter 2. Federalism

Types of Federalism * Federalism is a system in which the Government power is divided between a central authority and its various constituent units. * In federal system a state government has power of its own and is not answerable to the central government. * There are two or more tiers or levels of Government ... Read more

Chapter 1. Power Sharing

Belgium and Sri Lanka * To deal with conflicts arising out of language diversity, Sri Lanka applied * Majoritarianism and Belgium used Accommodation approach. * The Sri Lanka Tamils began an upheaval with the objectives of acknowledging * Tamil as an official language and to bring a about social and political equality and regional sovereignty. ... Read more