Probability 16

Basic Terminology * Probability is defined as the likelihood of something occurring. * A random experiment is an experiment that has more than one possible results and it is not possible to predict the result in advance. * The possible result of an experiment is called its outcome. * The set of all the outcomes ... Read more

Statistics 15

Introduction to Dispersion * Statistics is a branch of mathematics that deals with the collection, classification and analysis of numerical data. * Statistics that signify the extent of the spread of items around the measure of the central tendency is known as dispersion. * The range of distribution is the difference between the greatest and ... Read more

Mathematical Reasoning 14

Statements * A sentence is called a mathematically acceptable statement if it is either true or false. * A statement is called simple if it cannot be broken into two or more statement. * The denial of a statement is called the negation of the statement. * If p is a statement, then the negation ... Read more

Limits and Derivatives 13

Idea of Derivatives * Limit: lim x→a ƒ(x) is the expected value of ƒ(x) at x = a is given the values of ƒ(x) when approaches a. * Left hand limit: lim x→a – ƒ(x) is the expected value of ƒ(x) at x = a given the values of ƒ(x) near x to the left ... Read more

Conic Sections 11

Section of a Cone * If a straight line intersects a fixed vertical line at a fixed point and rotates such that the angles between the two lines remains constant, then the resulting surface is called a double right circular cone. * The parts of a cone include a vertical axis, a generator line, a ... Read more

Straight Lines 10

Slope of a Line * The angle made by a straight line in the anti-clockwise direction with the x-axis is called inclination. Slope of a line (m) = tan θ Where θ = inclination of the line If θ = 0o Slope (m) = 0 If θ = 900 Slope (m) is not defined. * ... Read more

Sequence and Series 9

Sequence and Series * A collection of numbers arranged in a defined order according to some definite rule is called a sequence. * The members or numbers that are listed in a sequence are called its terms. * If the number of terms in a sequence is finite or countable, then it is called a ... Read more