Chapter 4. Food Security in India

Introduction to Food Security * Food security exists when there is enough food available, accessible and affordable for all. * The problem of food security assumes larger proportions in natural disaster. * A natural calamity affecting a large area for a long duration of time leads to starvation and conditions of famine. Food Insecure Groups ... Read more

Chapter 3. Poverty as a Challenge

Poverty – Introduction * Poverty is defined as the lack of common things like food, clothing, shelter, safe drinking water, medical care and education, which determine the quality of life. * The concept of social exclusion states that poor people have to live in poor surroundings excluded from neighborhoods of people who are better off. ... Read more

Chapter 2. People As Resource

Overview * A large population is not always a liability. * Education, good medical care and training are the three investments that transform people into assets or resources. * The investment in education, training and healthcare of people is more than recovered by the higher productivity of the healthy, skilled workforce that it produces. Economics ... Read more

Chapter 1. The Story of Village Palampur

Introduction * Palampur is an imaginary village that can be located in any part of India. * The residents of Palampur have good access to road connectivity, transport, education, electricity and healthcare services. * Farming is the main production activity in Palampur. * People in Palampur are also engaged in non-farming activities like shop-keeping, dairy, ... Read more