Chapter 8. Motion

Introduction to Motion * Motion is a state of an object when there is a change in the position of the object with respect to its surroundings. * An object moving along a straight line or in a specified direction is said to have one-dimensional motion or linear motion. * If an object moves in ... Read more

Chapter 7. Diversity in Living Organisms

Classification of Living Organisms * A process of gradual and progressive change or development in characteristics is known as evolution. * Organisms are grouped at various levels: Kingdom, Phylum for animals or * Division for plants, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species. * Kingdom Monera consists of prokaryotic cell consisting of bacteria, small onecelled organisms. ... Read more

Chapter 6. Tissues

Plant Tissues * Tissues are a group of cells similar in structure and functions. * Plant tissues include meristematic and permanent tissues. * Permanent tissues often form protective covering in the form of epidermis and cork. * Permanent tissues are of two types: simple and complex. * Simple tissues include parenchyma, collenchymas and sclerenchyma. * ... Read more

Chapter 5. The Fundamental Unit of Life

Introduction to Cell * Robert Hooke observed many tiny, hollow, room-like structures in a thin slice of cork through a compound microscope and called them cells. * Organisms with single cell are called unicellular organisms. * Organisms with multiple cells are called multicellular organisms. * Prokaryotes do not have nuclear membranes and membrane bound organelles. ... Read more

Chapter 4. Structure of the Atom

Atomic Models * Atoms are made of charged particles. According to Thomson’s Model:    *  An atom is a positively charged sphere with electrons set within it.    *  An atom is electrically neutral. Rutherford’s model states that:    *  There is a positively charged centre in an atom called the nucleus. Almost all the ... Read more

Chapter 3. Atoms and Molecules

Atoms and Molecules * Matter is made of tiny indivisible particles. * In any chemical reaction, the total mass of the substance before and after the reaction is the same although its matter undergoes a physical change. * Molecule is the combined state of atoms. * Number of atoms constituting a molecule is atomicity. * ... Read more