Garbage In Garbage Out
* A landfill is a large, low-lying area used for garbage disposal.
* The useful components of garbage are fruits, vegetable waste, food remains, tea leaves, coffee grounds and paper.
* The non – useful components of garbage are polythene bags, plastic and aluminium wrappers.
* The government or the municipality provides two separate bins.
* A green bin for useful components of garbage and blue one for non-useful components of garbage
* The decaying and conversion of waste materials into manure is called composting.
* Vermi composting is the process of preparing compost with the help of red worms.
* Red worms live in places rich in organic matter – a combination of nitrogen rich materials and carbon –rich materials, with plenty of moisture and microbes.
* Waste materials rich in oil, salt and vinegar can assist the growth of disease – causing microbes in the pit. This, in turns, may lead to the death of red worms.
* A vermin compost pit typically takes two or four weeks to get ready.
* Red worms do not survive in extreme conditions.