* A large population is not always a liability.
* Education, good medical care and training are the three investments that transform people into assets or resources.
* The investment in education, training and healthcare of people is more than recovered by the higher productivity of the healthy, skilled workforce that it produces.
Economics Activities – Sections of the Economy
* Activities that result in the generation of goods and services that comprise our national income are called economic activities.
* Economic activities can be classified based on their nature and purpose.
* The earning capacity of a person depends on his or her education and vocational skills.
* Poorly educated women with lower skills face several disadvantages.
Quality of Population
* Education, healthcare and training make a population an asset to a country.
* The government has taken many initiatives to make basic education, higher education and healthcare more accessible to people.
* Education and healthcare facilities have increased in India, but are still not sufficient.
* Unemployment exists when a person, 15 to 59 years of age, who is willing to work at acceptable wages, cannot find a job.
The three forms of unemployment are:
* Seasonal unemployment
* Disguised unemployment and
* Educated unemployment
Unemployment has many ill effects on individuals and society.