Body Movement – Joints and Their Types
* Bones are joined together at places called joints and help in body movements.
* Different animals use to different body parts for movement.
* Each body part is capable of different movement, and is hence controlled by different types of joints.
* Ball and socket joints allow flexible movement in all directions.
* Ball and socket joints connect the arms to the shoulder and the legs to the hip.
* The head is connected to the neck through the pivotal joint.
* The pivotal joint contains a cylindrical bone that rotates in a ring.
* The hinge joint at the elbow and the knee allows them to move back and forth.
* Fixed joints make the bones immovable.
Locomotion and Movement
* Movement is one of the most important characteristics of all living beings.
* Movement resulting in a change of location is called locomotion.
* There are three main types of movement – amoeboid, ciliary and muscular.
* Amoeboid movement is the simplest form of movement and is due to protoplasmic streaming.
* Ciliary movement occurs in the internal tubular organs lined by ciliated epithelium.
* Muscular movement is brought about by contractile muscles, which help in body movements and locomotion.
* Locomotion is brought about by the coordination of the muscular skeletal and neutral systems in the body.
Skeletal System
* The adult skeletal consists of 206 bones and a few cartilages, both of which are specialised connective tissues.
* The axial skeleton consists of 80 bones, which include the skull, vertebral column, ribs and sternum.
* The appendicular skeleton includes the bones the bones of the libs and their supporting girdles.
* The point at which two bones or a bone and a cartilage make contact is called a joint.
* Although the muscular and skeletal systems function in a coordinated manner, manner, these systems may begin to wear and tear or exhibit some disorders.